The Members of the Shrine of St. Jude, the Dominican Friars of the Central Province, and our Holy brothers and sisters in heaven–Saints like our Patron St. Jude–are supposed to pray for each other constantly. We welcome the opportunity to pray for you!
Also, please note that we respect your confidentiality and do not share any personal information you provide.
You can request a prayer in one of two ways: In Writing (below) or the Shrine of St. Jude Prayer Line:
1) St. Jude Prayer Line
Available at all times, the St. Jude Prayer line, 385-330-9005, provides callers with the opportunity to confidentially and without cost ask for prayers. A friar at the Dominican Shrine of St. Jude regularly listens to these requests and prays for caller’s intentions. Callers need not leave a name nor any other personal information. Should your request require speaking directly with a member of the Shrine staff, please call 312-226-0020 during regular business hours. (9am–4pm Central, Monday thru Friday). Thank you.

2) Leave a prayer in writing.

Please note that we do not post your prayer intentions on our website. Your prayers and identity remain strictly confidential and are never shared!
(Telephone photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash, Fountain pen photo by Digital Content Writers India on Unsplash)